The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

I Ate Dog Food! By Julianna Rowe, aka Diane Ogden


While I was grocery shopping the other day, which is more like preparing for outer space travel considering the prices and choices versus the average pocketbook, I decided to buy a "can" of beef hash. God only knows why I did that because I don't eat canned beef hash. I eat organic foods and some Healthy Choice dinners and so on. But there it was this morning in the pan with the egg. Then the scent came rushing upwards (like at take-off) into all my senses, and those senses said, "Dog food!" I swear it smelled like the cheap cans of dog food I used to occasionally heat up for my dog Gracie Allen. Even her organic dog food smelled better than this beef hash smelled. So I made a conscious decision to attempt to eat it, thinking maybe it was purchased out of some beautiful hidden memory from childhood or one of the better minutes of one of my better marriages. Not! It smelled and tasted like lousy dog food, and I will never buy it or eat it again unless it is all there is to go with the bread we will get in the depression bread lines. 

Eeewww. Stop that talk!

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