The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)
Showing posts with label check em out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label check em out. Show all posts

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Dreamed.....

After I finished shopping yesterday, stopping at the Meineke Car Store again only to get more bad news about my "lovely lemon," (would rather hear good news about my "lovely little lumps," as the song goes..........anyway).......I stop at the corner grocery store for some wine and tell the young boy checking me out, no not checking me out, but checking me out that he looked like Scott Bao, not sure on the spelling there....OK so the major generational gap strikes again and he has NO IDEA who Scott Bao is. I said, "You know, the kid on The Fonz! Chachie!" Once again he stares are me puzzled. I said, "Go home and Google Scott Bao." I have found that one of my better attributes is telling people they look like movie stars. It really changes their day and maybe month or year who knows. I do it all the time and every single time a HUGE smile appears on their faces which seeps on into their minds and spirit. Try it sometime but don't be saying someone looks like Angelina Jolie when she really looks like Ugly Betty... I find positive resemblances and take it from there. (I guess Angelina and Betty both have big lips, but still) I have a client that really does look like Diane Sawyer and even sounds like her. I would like to send a photo of her to Diane Sawyer. What's my point? Well after finding and reading and posting the old love letters, talking to the young man "checking me out," which led me to think about some old Fonzie days what do you think happened? I had a best est dream. A famous doctor fell in love with me and I got my face lift, my new car, my prolapsed u-ter-ie-bee fixed, the four teeth got their root canals and then he tried to kill me for the insurance money he had taken out while I was in glory land getting all nipped and tucked as well as driving around in a car with a nice paint job LOL. S H U T U P! Don't worry, I killed him with his own gun on the boat he talked me into going out on and you all KNOW MaMa hates the water. Too bad, so sad, I won but again and came out shining....
This is why I don't date! Too much trouble so far anyway. Even in my dreams.