The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Strength of Your Spirit

Speak what you want! Then wait for the perfect timing of this Universe and its God. That higher power will draw you, like a magnet, toward your desires. You must relax to sense the
drawing of your spirit and follow it. Believe you will hear, sense, and then follow. Believe you are a glowing spirit light, offering goodness, and waiting for your desires. Believe the light of good decisions is being drawn toward you at all times. Believe. Realize the power of your belief. Imagine the powerful waterfalls or our world. Imagine their strength and know yours in your spirit is more. Draw from the energy given with each breath you take. See you are being cleansed through your own breathing in and out. Imagine yourself watching a beautiful sun setting in the West with its hues of lavender, and mauve's, and creamy yellow's, each warming you with its magnificent rays. The colors turn into a blanket that surrounds you with its energy and love and warmth. You are safe, you are free. Comforted by a wrapping of colors and rays of energies. You open your arms and hold out your hand toward the fills your hand and overflows until you are consumed with the light. The Healing light, lights of love, warmth, compassion, and gentleness. Anger must leave, sadness must leave, pain must leave as they are no match for this light. All negative energies must leave. They are pushed out and away beyond the setting sun. Blow them away....blow them away with each exhaling breath. You are in touch with your spirit and you enjoy this place. You may come back to this place whenever you would like. It will rejuvenate you and relax you. It will inspire you and heal you. You are a deserving person
(This is part of one of my transcripts for self hypnosis or rather self relaxation)

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