The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Macy's on a Budget

I used to make these wonderful little people projects when I owned a home, or should I say a home with a garage workshop. Had I thought ahead I might have kept it. Sometimes life makes changes for us if we don't jump on it first. I tend to be a thinker which means I thought too long and life took the reigns.....ouch. That being a fact I did save one set of my wonderful little people and here they are affront my now living abode, an apartment complex. I love it, don't you? How many people have these little people at their disposal who live in an apt? Except that blessed satellite dish that blocks partial view of my Victorian folks. It does bring my Sirius music so I will have to deal.
I like to say Macy's on a budget because I once had a dream of designing beautiful creative Macy's windows in New York City. Now I dream of just getting there to visit which is fine....because I have designed many a Macy's windows on a budget and brought joy to many who viewed each holiday whether in a home with a garage or an apartment complex.

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