The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Friday, January 18, 2008


Bree Hull

Well would you look at this? These two sure do look alike to me. I wonder if they will hook up like some sisters that have found one another after many years? Or maybe they won't bother. Or maybe if Nana leaves it alone they will make it work on their own. Briana Marie and Danielle. (I dont know Dani's middle name) I better find that out.
Interestingly Bree, we call her, has another sister named Danielle who is also 19 years old.
So getting used to that part wont be so unusual.
Bree is fair skinned and it appears Dani is darker skinned. Bree has allot of allergies
and asthma when she gets a cold. Bree has a dark side she tells me. I think all teenagers do. She is a grand actress but she cant sing a whole song on key. We have to laugh at that. She loves socceer but had to quit due to shin splints. She is quite the artist and loves all sorts of creativity. Sewing, painting, writing, anything but cleaning. Bree loves mega soft beds. And Bree loves Steve. Steve is a rock and adores Bree so we adore Steve. Bree is a very sensitive young woman and was even as a child. If she cried her whole face turned spotted and red. She has a wonderful laugh and the most beautiful thick hair that tends to have more waves than she would like so she works very hard to straighten it. Her Dad's hair was wavy before he shaved his head due to age and hereditary baldness. Bree loves animals especially cats. She wants a car more than anything right now. Bree is a person that goes with the flow. She graduated from Barbizon Modeling and Acting School. She is a natural actress. I have posted some of her acting photos.

I do hope the girls find their way to meet or at least do the MySpace "thing." After all they are sisters. And they sure do look alike. Bree is 16 and Dani is 19.

1 comment:

  1. Her middle name is Renae...her skin is dark because of the tanning bed and the beach.

    She has lots of allergies too...her tonsils get so big the back of her throat closes but they won't take them out.

    Dani loves shopping and her car and the Dallas Cowboys...and beer pong. Ha! She parties a little but she is extremely responsible. She has had the same job for almost two years and does it well. She works all the time and spends a lot of time with her boyfriend (who now lives with us) and friends. She is very much the social butterfly!

    She also loves her little brothers. She takes them places and buys them treats all the time just because...

    Dani has the super thick hair too and spends a couple of hours a day blow drying and straightening.

    Maybe they will get to know each other after Bree adds her as a friend on MySpace. They do look alike!

    She missed a lot too but she has been surrounded, supported, protected and loved by the rest of her family. She knows that she has other family out there and has for a long time, but she also knows why she hasn't seen her father since she was three and I think she has been grateful for the chance to have a somewhat normal life without daily reminders of how it would have been if we had stayed with him. She also knows that I loved him from the time I was sixteen years old, just like she has loved her boyfriend since she was 16.

    I am thinking of taking her on a road trip this summer...maybe to my brothers who still lives in WI. I have to see how she feels about it.


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