The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Starring at the Ceiling

Today is a day I can't think of a thing to say. Note this is rare. My only goal is to lay on the living room floor and stare at the ceiling. You see there are about a zillion things on and in my head to the point I need to expell many of them to a new home or space other than here. I am in hopes the ceiling will bring me some answers. Sure, a large vast area of drywall, wood, sand, paint, tape, spakling, all said items full of chemicals I suspect. That ought to give me some answers. Real earthly atmosphere. Not. Its too cold to go outside and lay under a tree. Or hug one as "they" suggest. Anyway I live in a complex with hundreds of other people so if I went and laid outside I am sure to hear sirens within a short time. So the chemical ceiling it is for now. Be right back.
OK so nothing yet. I am going to do the Oprah cure. What am I thankful for? Give me a minute. Just kidding sorta. I am thankful I am not Sarah Palin because she doesn't get to keep the clothes. Too bad so sad so glad! I am thankful I am employed and have a wonderful place to live. That I do not have to sleep alone in my cushy bed. OK I will tell you....I sleep with.....drum roll please.....Gracie Allen, doggie do little, and Lucy Lu, neurotic cat. And I am actually thankful they are the only ones I sleep with. They are sweet and kind and give me joy. I am thankful for "all my children." No its not the soap opera show, but its just like it! I am thankful for being alive even if it hurts sometimes. That I and mine are healthy. For the decisions at hand even though very difficult. For the opportunity to help others all the time hoping they don't ask. Had to add that. I am so thankful for my snow tires, need I explain? No! And I especially love my computer. I used to love cigarettes many years ago, eewww. I replaced them with the "puter show." Oh and pretzels, peanut butter, chocolate and Scotch. No not for breakfast today anyway. Better add just kidding to that one. I tried the kitchen floor and that was not good....."bugs? in the lite made it not so Oprah-y. Time to head out for work. The Sun is shining so all is well no matter what. I am going to be a duck today. Going with the flow.........

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