The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pardon which Turkey?

Maybe I am being too serious or maybe I am right. I see this Turkey Whisperer on TV ever so carefully, mind you, with two other grown men, scooting two turkeys into large animal carriers.....(better and cleaner then where many people sleep), to be driven to D.C for pardon. Then they are gently lifted into the back of a large American SUV...stands for Sucks Up Volumes (of Gas).The driver tells us he and the turkeys will know one another well by the time they arrive. I bet, especially after they crap a few times for him in back of that SUV. Back to my point which is what? How to determine which Turkey gets pardoned. The news announcer mentioned how he or she turkey walked and what personality traits they look for to determine who lives or dies....Everything the guy said made me think of The Secret Book/Tapes/Movie. The Secret says everything that happens to us is our fault. I often wondered whole hearted-ly if all the 3,000 people in the twin towers were thinking badly that day? Or if the many people on the bridge in Minnesota caused their own demise, even the baby that sadly passed? Or the earthquake victims? Katrina Victims? Their fault huh? Me, I don't read The Secret anymore.....I find more positive findings in other books that don't place blame or guilt on the "Turkey" for his own demise. Try the Bible. I agree that positive thinking brings more positive to us. But the whole plane doesn't go down because everyone has bad thinking..... Have I become cynical? Maybe just a tad..... Am I thinking badly/negatively? Is that why I didn't think the turkey smurkey story was so funny or enjoyable today? I had just watched a TV commentary on a homeless man with Cancer...then the next segment is the honorably treated Turkeys on their way to see the President of the United States. In my opinion they looked good together. Bet he wishes and hopes someone will pardon him too....he has the "get pardoned walk!"
I am sure as soon as I start thinking better my car will have no problems, I will never be sick, all my prayers will be answered, my children will not inherit any generational bad habits, I will have enough money for the rest of my life for all my needs, and I will secure my wonderful place in heaven.....but only if I think right. Sooo I will just in case. I will walk proud like that turkey,(Both of them) I will walk confident, I will speak with a good constitution, I will smile happily and as honestly as possible, and if anyone whispers to me I will surely listen intently so I get pardoned too. I wonder why this doesn't work for everyone.... No more buildings would go down, bridges, illness's, and so on. OK so I went overboard. I ate too much chocolate, see it's my own fault.

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